BAIYÉ is of Yoruba origin, from the name Baiyeroju literally meaning endure life or struggle (and win) in life.

The Brand name is written with font that has slashes and lines on each alphabet, this is a reference to the Yoruba facial marks ‘ila’ which was a way of identifying a persons tribe or origin but also seen as an adornment.

At BAIYÉ we believe that life is a journey comprised of a series of events, from the first time you open your eyes, seeing your mothers tired but satisfied smile to the last time you close them, surrounded by your grandchildren and family…

...each little step in life is a mini journey...passing those final exams, getting that job, walking down the aisle, purchasing your first car, home or business...these are moments worth capturing, wins worth celebrating, feelings worth keeping, emotions you deserve to acknowledge over and over again.

We make precious metal and gemstone jewellery, marking life's special moments and accompanying you on new and exciting journeys, reminding you to re-live the feeling over and over again. 

Our crown jewel is our Aya Bridal collection, a mix of pearls, crystals, a drop of whimsy and a lot of love.

We are also a gifting service, taking over the burden of choice and making it easy to select or custom make the perfect gift for that special someone and have it delivered on time and without hassle.

You can reach us in the studio by emailing studio@baiyejewellery.com or call +1 (778) 200-7004, we're always happy to help.

The BAIYÉ Team


Read a Message from the Designer here.